Saturday, September 27, 2014


Today was weigh-in day for me, however, due to....issues....I decided not to weigh in. Women issues. Monthly issues. Let's just leave it at that, shall we.

Nobody wants to weigh in when they're bloated and b*tchy.
Not even me.
So, I took a week off the scale. That doesn't mean I took a week off of staying on track. I'll admit, I struggled with tracking every single day. We lost our internet connection at home for several days, and I usually don't have the foresight to track my food at work, so I got home several days in a row and wasn't able to look up the Weight Watchers points on some foods. But, I still tracked mentally, and stayed within my points.

I just needed a meeting without weighing in today, and that's okay.

So, I didn't get the self-congratulatory confirmation of seeing the numbers go down on the scale, but I did get another affirmation that I'm on the right track.

A non-scale victory, my friends, or an NSV, for short.

Yesterday was jeans day at work, and I wore a pair that I bought just this past July, when I was at my highest weight. Yesterday, I was worried that someone would pull on them, and they'd fall off. This morning, I showed my husband how loose they are on me. I still had on my sweat pants from my morning walk, and I could pull them on over my sweats, without unbuttoning them, and could still pull out several inches of extra material. 

I think they are going to be shelved from now on. 

So, that was my first NSV. I have lost so much weight, that my newest pair of jeans are no longer wearable. 

The second NSV happened when I searched for something to wear today. I bought those pair of jeans because all of my other jeans were too small for me, and I needed something for "Friday Jeans Day" at work. I looked through my closet, and pulled out a pair of jeans I bought almost exactly a year ago, and could only fit in for a few weeks. I pulled them on, and a zip and a snap later, they fit!

I love shopping in my closet!

I'm really looking forward to the weeks to come, as I continue to lose weight. This summer, I inherited a big box of clothes from one of my besties who recently lost a lot of weight, and though the clothes were a couple sizes too small for me at the time, I was hoping to get back down to that size so I could wear them.

Now, I'm doing more than hoping. I'm actually doing something about it. I'm going to give myself a few more pounds to lose, and then I'm going to go through the box and see what fits. I'm excited and looking forward to that time. 

It's time for me to plan for the week ahead. What am I going to continue to do to be successful, and what did I do last week that I need to change?

My goal is to be down to the official 15 lb. mark, according to Weight Watchers records, and thus, reach my 5% goal. I was almost there last week, so this week, I'm determined to continue tracking my food, exercising with my walking buddy, and being mindful of what I put in my body. 

I can do this! 
You can too, you know. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl, I'm so proud of you! You are an inspiration! Hugs, Sheila B.