Saturday, February 9, 2013

Getting off the Holiday Weight

I've finally done it.  I have officially gotten off all the extra weight I put on over the holidays, and have kept it off for a couple of weeks now.  Woo hoo!  Take that, all you second helpings of pumpkin pie!

I tried not to let myself get in the mindset that I wasn't going to count points over the holidays and just let go of all my good intentions.  I tried to stay true to the program.  And for the most part, I did.  I made it through both Halloween and Thanksgiving without gaining.  But Christmas, then Christmas part deux (you know, the next day when you eat all the leftovers) and then New Years all ganged up on me.  And they brought Chex Mix.  Yummy, yummy Chex Mix.  I can sometimes pass up cookies, pie and cake, but Chex Mix will get me EVERY time.  Damn you, Chex Mix.  Damn you.

So, all the damage has officially been undone, and I'm well into "virgin fat" territory now (well, "virgin fat" for this round of Weight Watchers at least).  I've lost about 45 pounds since the day I gave birth to baby Elsy.  I'm so glad to be 45 pounds lighter than I was when I started this journey, but I'm frustrated with myself for taking so long to get here.  It's been nearly 8 months since I first started.  I've gone through so many times of being so on the ball for a few weeks, to then take a month off to goof around and gain back half of what I've lost. 

But, 2013 is a new year.  Although we're already well into this new year, the newness of it hasn't worn off of me yet.  I've declared 2013 to be my year to make impossible goals, and to surpass what I thought possible and actually reach those crazy goals.  I'm on my way!  I've lost 10.2 pounds since January 5.  That's no small potatoes!!  That's half of a bag of potatoes, actually.  Another 8.2 pounds and I'll be back down to my pre-Elsy weight.  Then I'll start focusing on my pre-Lily weight, another 10 pounds down to 232.  One I hit that weight, I'll be the smallest I've ever been in my adult life.  Yiii!  That's exciting.  I have a couple pair of pants just waiting to bust out of my closet once I hit that weight.

I've actually been able to liberate a few pairs of slacks from the bowels of my closet lately.  That's always a good feeling, to be able to go shopping in your own closet and find smaller sizes that fit.  Thanks to my new Zumba purchase, I think I'll be able to liberate even more pretty soon.  Zumba kicks butt, even the Wii variety.  I've been having fun, yes, FUN, playing Zumba at home.  I try to challenge myself to get these stupid little Zumba stars for doing a move right.  So far, I'm a Zumba master, getting almost all the stars I possibly can for each song.  There are a few songs that still trick me up, and I can't seem to get my feet move the right direction at the right time, but other than that, I feel like a rock star - in my living room. 

On the days that I get to speed walk around the playground while doing recess duty, along with doing Zumba at home, I can earn up to 6-7 activity points.  That's awesome!  But I learned today that Weight Watchers considers someone who earns 1-11 Weekly Activity Points as sedentary.  A person who earns 12-24 points in a week is only Moderately Active, and a person who earns more than 24 points in a week is Very Active.  Yikes!  Since I've bought the Activity Monitor, I'm usually getting at least 12 points a week, and sometimes up to 20.  I'm glad to know I'm at least Moderately Active, but now I want to bump it up and be thought of a Very Active person.  So there's my next goal, to get 24+ Activity Points in a week.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Are you reaching your health goals so far?  If so, what are you doing?  If not, what changes are you going to make to get yourself on track?