Saturday, November 3, 2012

If You're a Failure and You Know it Clap Your Hands!

So, two weeks down the drain now with nothing to show for them.  I have 2 more weeks to actually get my tuchus in gear and get losing weight.

I know what my problem is.
I'm very aware of it.

1.  Not tracking.
2. Not exercising.
3. Not staying within my Points.

So, if I would just, you know, DO THE PROGRAM, I think I may see some different results.

I'm not sure who it is that I'm trying to fool.  It seems like I'm trying to play some game, and beat the odds.  The thing is, I'm not playing Blackjack, and The House isn't Weight Watchers - it's my own body, and no matter what, the House always wins.

Okay, I have to admit, I'm not sure where that metaphor is going anymore.  I'm just saying, I can't fool my own body.  I might be thinking that I'm beating Weight Watchers, or my little weight tracker, but I'm not playing the game with Weight Watchers.  I'm playing against myself.  And I'm losing.  Or well, not losing, as the case may be.

It's late.
As you can no doubt tell.

So here's the point:
If I want to do this, really do this, then here is what I need to do:

1) Track my points.
2) Get some exercise.  Even just 10 minutes.  Surely I can spare at least 10 minutes!
3) Stay in your daily and weekly Points.

You know, just DO THE PROGRAM!