I like you. I mean, I really like you. But...
It wouldn't be fair if I didn't tell you that I'm not good for you. I'm gonna just let you down. Someday, you're gonna need me, and I'm not going to be there for you. I want you to know that, and give you the choice to walk away, right now before you get hurt.
It's not you. It's me.
Okay, I'm not really breaking up with you. But, I needed to say this before our relationship...bloggership...goes any farther. I have a TERRIBLE track record for staying on plan, so there's a 99% liklihood that I'm going to screw up here any day now. It's not going to be today, and probably won't be tomorrow, but just when you least expect it, BAM! Disappoint comes crashing into you, just like all those fabulous "I never saw it coming" moments in movies when a car comes crashing out of nowhere right into the passenger side door. I'm just warning you, because it's not usually the driver who gets hurt, it's whoever is in the car with him. Just sayin'. So, fasten your seat belt.
Alright, let's move on from the disturbing mental image of me crashing a car with you inside it, and talk about some more cheerful things.
Like exercise. Or the fact that I got absolutely none today. I think I sat for nearly 8 stright hours today. My ankles are swollen to near softball size to prove it. Gotta love day long trainings. So, no activity points for the day, but my eating was not so....well...actually...
I ate way more points today than my daily allotment, however, I had weekly points saved up, so I'm still golden. As long as I don't have to eat out too many more times this week. Tomorrow is crazy, way-too-much-stress-after-school-day with me rushing the kids from the babysitters to Mr. T's work so they can get to ice skating lessons, while I rush back to school for a family night that does not involve my family at all. Not that I'm bitter. Oh, no. No bitterness here, no sirree.
Let's get down to brass tacks. I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds impressive, doesn't it.
Breakfast: Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwich. 6 points; Banana 0 points.
Snack: Grapes, O points.
Lunch: Gargantuan potato the size of my head from Jason's Deli, covered with cheesy, gooey deliciousness and worth every single point. 27 points. Yikes!
Snack: Baked Doritos. 3 points.
Dinner: 1 cup rice and 2/3 cup Japanese curry 8 points.
The potato was big enough to keep me full all the way through dinner, so I didn't have much to eat tonight. Plus, I was waaaaaay over my daily points limit, so I needed to eat light tonight. Now it's just after 10, and though I have a ton of stuff I'd like to stay up and get done, I'm starving, so I'm going to force myself to go to bed.
It's funny, becaus a friend was just asking me what I do when I run out of points for the day. My answer was go to bed, and wait for morning, or eat green beans out of a can and hope the hunger goes away. However, it's not easy getting the kids to go to bed when it's still light outside, so sometimes you have to tough it out. Like tonight. Plus, we're out of green beans.
1 comment:
You can do it!!!
I was thinking of this WW tip just last night (when you're hungry and your points are gone, GO TO BED). I failed my first glucose test last week and take a second one on Friday to see if I have gestational diabetes. So I'm low-carbing it this week and after 7 months of pretty much eating whatever I want, well, it's ROUGH.
But I can do it. (I think.) And YOU can do it!!! (How's that for Tuesday morning cheerleading?) :)
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