Friday, January 8, 2010

One week down! That's One! Ah, ah, ah!!!


I've been counting a lot of things this week with Count Von Count.  One week on program!  Ah, ah, ah!!  Six days of working out!  Ah, ah, ah!!  Four days of journaling my food! Ah, ah, whaaaa?

Okay, so here is my big problem.  Journaling.  I hate it.  I've always hated it.  It's by far my biggest hurdle with Weight Watchers, and the kicker is that I know it's the #1 thing that will help me lose weight.

I'm not sure why I hate it so much.  Maybe because it forces me to be accountable with what I'm really eating.  Maybe it's just a pain trying to write it down.  Maybe I'm just a lazy bum.  Whatever the reason, I just don't want to do it.

So I'm trying to find some ways to motivate myself into keeping track of what I eat and really being accountable for every BLT (bite, lick and taste) that passes through my lips.

Here's what I think I'm going to do.  I think I'm going to start keeping track of the number of days that I journal my daily food.  I am thinking of maybe creating a bead necklace or something.  Everyday that I journal I can add a bead to the string.  After so many beads, say 10, I can earn a non-food related reward, like a new bottle of fingernail polish, or a cheap pair of earrings.  And maybe after a larger number, like 50, I can earn a DVD or CD or something bigger.

I'm just trying to find ways to fight the hardest part of this battle.  I think that if I can really be true to tracking my food everyday, that I will be able to beat the weight this year.  Water I can do. (Thank goodness for Crystal Light!)  Exercise I can even do.  But tracking....that is something I've never been very good at doing.

So, from now on I'm going to make this the source of my focus.  Tonight I will drop a bead on my string and say "5! 5 days tracking!  Ah, ah, ah!!!"


Grace said...

You must have started on Jan 2 too! Today is also the one week mark for me. Be sure and post your weight loss when you weigh in tomorrow! Can't wait to see our little tickers start to move! :)

Missy said...

If it helps, offers an online journal where you can store the items you eat most often. Makes the journaling process a little more interesting (for a while).