Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Last Nerve

Ow!  OW!  OWWWW!

That's how I feel right now.

I think I may have a pinched nerve in my back.  Sunday afternoon my back started hurting around my left shoulder blade, all the way up to my neck.  It would hurt even worse when I took deep breaths, and when I bent over.  I nearly passed out yesterday when I tried to tie my shoes. 

I'm not sure if it's from using the weight machines at the gym, or just bad luck.  All I know is, it hurts.  A lot.

I tried listening to my body to see what it said might help alleviate this pain.  My head told me to take some ibuprofen, which I did, and that helped the pain somewhat.  My shoulder said it thought I should 'work it out' at the gym, so I went back and did that too.  I have come to a conclusion:  My body is *d* liar.  It still hurts.  It really *$%#@! hurts.  So I think I'm going to make a trip to my doctor's office today and see if they can tell me more. 

But other than feeling like someone is shoving a screwdriver into my shoulder blade, I did pretty well yesterday.  I followed my eating plan to the T (What does that even mean, to the T?  Why not to the Q?  Weird.) and still worked out before the movie (Which was way cool by the way.  Go James Cameron!).  I got popcorn at the movie, and put a little butter-flavored-oil-substitute, but I didn't go overboard.  And I shared it with my husband, even.  Aren't I generous?

Now I'm getting ready to head out the door to get to the gym again.  I need to plan what I'm going to eat today, so I don't get caught off guard and hungry. 
Breakfast:  Oatmeal (6pts) [26 points left]
Post-Workout Snack: Weight Watchers Blueberry Muffin (3 points) [23 points remaining]
Lunch: Last of my crockpot lasagna and salad (10 points) [13 points left]
Snack: Celery and Laughing Cow cheese (2 points) [11 points for dinner]
Dinner: Here's where I always get stuck....I think I'll make some chili for dinner tonight, but I'll have to get on the Weight Watchers website and calculate the points for it.  Shouldn't be too much, though.  And I'll want to make sure to save room for ice cream, too!  Mmm....ice cream....

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