Thursday, January 21, 2010

Every Little Beat of My Heart Now, Baby!

After several weeks of exercising on a (somewhat) regular basis, I have come to a grand conclusion:

Exercise sucks!

I hate it.  I mean, I really, really loathe every single minute of it.  The sweat.  The achyness.  The afore-blogged flatulence.  None of it is any fun.

Yesterday, I thought my loathing of all things exercise related was finally calming down a bit, become more a general disdain than an all-out hate.  I was able to keep my intensity level up for 20 minutes on the elliptical, even when the resistance started to get really hard.  For a few blissful, endorphin-laced moments I thought, "Hey, this might not be so bad afterall."

It is that bad.

Here's my trip to the gym today:

-Leg cramp in thigh and calf before I even get anywhere near the gym.

-Angry preschooler doesn't want to go to gym's Kid's Club today.  Screams, clamps onto my body, and provides everyone with a great demonstration on how to throw a truly successful tantrum.

--Said preschooler is left in the Kids Club anyway.

--Trouble finding a gym locker that isn't already being used.  Somewhat amazed and astonished by all the trusting people that throw their purses and other belongings in a locker without a lock.  (However, I am now $50 richer!  No, no!  I kid!  I kid!)

--One elliptical left open next to anorexic-looking girl and big, buff muscle-builder guy.  Big sigh....

--Big screen TV's showing nothing but basketball, political coverage, and a 'reality show' on MTV.  Seriously, who let these people have the remote?!

--Four minutes into my workout...Boy, this seems a little tougher than yesterday when I was just breezing through the workout.

--Five minutes into the workout...Wow, this is A LOT harder than yesterday.  How many minutes has it been?  What?  Five?  Five??  You got to be *#@($ing kidding me. 

--Eight minutes into the workout...No, I don't want to listen to "Baby Got Back."  Who put this on my I-Pod anyway?

--Twelve minutes into my workout....Halfway there!! Almost halfway there!

--Thirteen minutes into my workout....Dangit, I thought I was almost halfway there!

--Fifteen minutes into my workout...Geez, finally!

--Sixteen minutes into my workout...Why am I doing this again?

--Eighteen minutes into my workout...No, seriously, WHY am I doing this again??

--Twenty-one minutes into my workout...Breathing must be optional here.

--Twenty-four minutes into my workout...Staying vertical should be optional too...maybe I can kinda lay on the arm rests a bit, and OOPS!  No, I guess I can't.

--Twenty-seven minutes into my workout...Only 3 minutes left, cummon' give it all you got!!

--Twenty-seven minutes and 19 seconds into my workout...Okay, that's all I got.

--Twenty-eight minutes into my workout....Ignore pain in buttocks.  Ignore pain in buttocks.  Ignore pain...

--Twenty-nine minutes into my workout...ACK!  This hurts!  Oh the pain, the pain!  

--Thirty-minutes into my workout...Heart rate 150...I wonder if that's good or not.  Oh look at the pretty red blinking lights on the monitor.

--Thirty-one minutes into my workout....Oh cool down, how I have longed to see you.

--Thirty-two minutes into my workout...Yes!!  Done!!  Where's my gold star??  

--One minute after my workout...Sweaty.  Stinky.  Gross.  But I did it!!!

--Two minutes after my workout...Maybe I could stop for some ice cream.  DOH!!! 


w said...

Awesome job lady. It will get easier, I promise...Then, you will need to change the workout and increase the, uh nevermind, it'll get better. Just remember, it takes 27 days to form a habit and habits are easy. One day you may even decide that you like your workout. (I know, don't push it.)

I'm proud of you for tackling this.

Regina Clarke said...

You're awesome! I loathe the elliptical. Give me an hour on the bike or treadmill but 5 minutes on that cursed machine and everything aches. And 150 is the perfect heart rate for our age and a cardio workout.