Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I've been thinking in lists today.

Sometimes my brain works in odd ways.  (Hey, I hear that snarky comment, you!  Yeah, you know who you are, Snarkypants!)

Occassionally my brain works in different ways.
Sometimes everything reminds me of a Monty Python quote.
Sometimes I think in rhyme, for a very long time.
Often, everything needs to be done in song (and I do mean everything...I'll just let you muse on that for a second).

Today I'm thinking in lists.

Here are some important lists that have been running through my mind today:
I'll start with the best...

Top 5 Embarrassing Moments
5. Dancing to Weird Al's "Eat It" in the school-wide talent show when I was in 4th grade.
4. Burping in the middle of a kiss with my boyfriend.  Eww.
3. An unexpected visit from Aunt Flo when I was 19 at a Cardinal's game in St. Louis.  I didn't know she was coming, and I hadn't prepared anything for her arrival.  It wasn't until the 7th inning stretch that I found out she had arrived all over the back of my pants.  Ewww again.
2. Wearing a white bra underneath a black shirt in the middle of a rainstorm....oh, wait....
1. Being caught skinny-dipping by the police in a neighborhood pool after hours with my friends.  (I hope my mom's not reading this.)

Top 3 Ice Cream Flavors
3. Mint Chocolate Chip
2. Coffee & Dulce de Leche
1. French Vanilla (so classic, so creamy, so very very dreamy...uh-oh, I'm rhyming, watch out!)

Top 10 Items on my Bradbury List
10. Get to a healthy weight
9. Have oodles of children.  I'm thinking a baseball team.  Well, maybe a basketball team.  Perhaps doubles tennis.  Tetherball?
8. Dance all night long.
7. Become a published author.
6. Become a filthy rich and famous published author.
5. Become such a great author that I blow Stephanie Meyers out of the water.
4. Participate in a roller derby match.
3. Live in the Mediterranean.  Well, not right in the middle, because I'd likely drown.  You get what I mean.
2. Finish this list.

Top 3 favorite people in the whole world
3.  You.
2.  You.
1.  Oh, and don't forget about You.

9 Random Facts About Me You Probably Could Live Without Knowing
9. I was named after The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.  A horror novel.  Go figure.
8. I have a tattoo that I got when I was 18.  No, you may not see it!  Unless we're in the pool.  Skinny-dipping.
7. I am ambidextrous.  I write and eat left-handed, but use scissors, throw and kick right-handed.
6. I am afraid of math.  And science.  Very, very afraid.  Except that I know that fluorine is considered the Tyrannosaurus Rex of the periodic table.  Thank you very much, Dr. Carter, for that one bit of trivia that I will never, ever forget.  That, and the fact that polar bear liver contains so much Vitamin A that you'l die, so don't eat it.  No matter how hungry you are.
5. I spent much of my childhood naked, running through rows of corn in Iowa.  Much of my young adult life was spent naked in swimming pools.  I then spent much of my adult life naked in hot springs in Japan.  I'm sensing a theme.
4. I've studied 5 different, foreign languages.  The only one that I'm fairly fluent in, I didn't learn in school.
3. I'm a vegetarian.  But only twice a week.
2. I have a hobby addiction.  I like to rollerblade, snow ski, crochet, scrapbook, make cards, calligraphy, play guitar, garden, paint, refurbish old furniture, create websites, write, sing, dance, swim, quilt, and bake.  It's a sickness.
1. I have a dog-like sense of smell.  My favorite scent is yummy guy cologne.  I could stand all day next to a guy who is wearing a good cologne and be perfectly happy.  My least favorite odor is diesel exhaust.  Smellwise, the worst time of day is after I've dropped off my daughter at the babysitter's and I'm stuck behind 50 school busses leaving the middle school campus when I'm on my way to work.  Yuckiness.


Unknown said...

Who you calling Snarkypants!! Funny enough, I was remembering that skinny-dipping adventure a few days ago. It made me smile. I miss those days. Why can't we stop judging ourselves by everyone elses standards? We didn't give a crap back then. I know I'm working on loving myself first (okay, really starting with liking myself) and then I'll give a darn what everyone else thinks. You have a wonderful heart so keep working to be better for you, not what others have told you to be.

Love the lists!

Grace said...

Ha, I already knew most of your 9 things about you... and I've seen your tatoo... and I too remember all our Ken Carterisms, and Quintos is hungry...

Yep, I'm pretty much the best-rock-awesome-friend you've got. Woot!

Dorian said...

Grace, "Quintos fesus est!" That's about all the Latin I can remember. That and, "Tu assinos est." (You're an ass.) Good times. Just about the only Russian I can say is, "Ya ne govriyu pa Ruskie." (I don't speak Russian.) So very helpful, I know.