Saturday, February 13, 2010

What's that sweet, hot, delicious-looking thing? It's me!!

Wahoooza!  Today was weigh-in day at Weight Watchers.  I am down another 2.8 pounds, making my total weight loss since January....14.2 pounds!  Zowie!!

I am feeling pretty pumped about that.
I am congratulating myself on a job well done during a week from hell.
Yea me!  You stuck with it.  You hung in there.  You ran far, far away from all things chocolate, screaming like a wee little schoolgirl.  You rock!

So now that I have this good times feeling bursting into warm fuzzy feelings inside me, I want to celebrate.  Who wants pie??

Oh dear.  There it is.  My go-to celebration for losing weight, or pretty much doing anything right always  revolves around treating myself with food.

How masochistic must I be to do this to myself all the time?  Good job on losing a bunch of weight, now let's gain half of it back in one big blowout of food!  Maybe you don't have a problem using food as a reward for yourself, but I certainly do. 

Everytime I do anything well, there's always food.  An ice cream cone.  Sundaes.  Cookies.  Cake.  Pie.  Mmmm....pieeeeeee.....ACK! 

I can't count the number of times that I did well on the scale at Weight Watchers, and then later that day "celebrated my success" with a trip to Sonic for a Recees Peanut Butter Cup Blast.  It's like I never learn! 

Well, maybe not never....
I'm starting to do some things right.

I used to just say that Saturday was my "free day" to eat whatever I wanted.  Then, that would always turn into a "free weekend" because of all the good food that I would have at church and at family get-togethers.  Then that turned into a big ol' fight to even get back on plan by Wednesday, because I was so used to eating whatever I felt like that I struggled to get back on program.  It's a wonder that I lost any weight at all this past 2 years on Weight Watchers.  Twenty pounds is all I lost though, which is not too great of a track record for having paid $40 a month for the past two years. 

So no more free weekends.
No more rewards for weight loss (or anything else for that matter) with food.

If I want ice cream or cake, I have to count it and have the points for it.  I know this is possible.  I did it just this last week while I ate a big ol' dish of vanilla soft serve at school.  I had the points.  I fit it in.  And that was the best-tasting, guilt-free ice cream I think I've ever had.

Today I'm going to reward myself for my hard work and my newly-forming body.  I'm getting a little somethin' somethin' for me from the lingerie department that will make me feel sexy and proud of my accomplishments.  That's something a hot fudge sundae will never be able to do.

1 comment:

Tincan Crafter said...

Dont feel too bad about the celebration treats Dorian. I got up this morning determined to start my week of detox and decided to have one last splurge - two slices of toast....except there was more peanut butter and caramel syrup than toast! (Candice - ex Shimabara)