Friday, January 14, 2011

Spring Cleaning

What is that thing under all that dust?
Phsssssew!  Cough!  Cough!  Ah-choo!
Oh, I know what that is!!  It's my abandoned blog!!

Wow, I remember when this thing was really hot.  I used to write on it every day, sometimes even twice a day.  Everything I saw around me seemed to give me new inspiration for a fun and pithy blog entry.
Hmm....I wonder what happened?


I'm still wondering.  Give me a minute.


OH I KNOW!!!  I got sidetracked and couldn't get up off my lazy a** long enough to write anything of any importance.  That's what happened.

Well, what to do now?
It's a three day weekend (Thank you, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for being born so that I could have a day off of work....oh, and thanks for fighting for civil rights, too.  You rock!) and I'm becoming an insane neat freak in the cleaning/straightening/organizing type of mood, so it's Spring Cleaning, at least cleaning up my stuff.  So, what do I do with you, Mr. Blog?  Do I keep you around?  Clean you off?  Buff you into a shiny new polish of amusing witticisms and carefully crafted complaints about the lifestyle of losing weight?  Or do I just chuck you in the trash and feed you to the empty wasteland of abandoned blogs on the internet?


I guess I am sorta granola - go Earth, you're the best planet ever! - and I do believe in the reuse, repair, recycle thing, so I'm gonna go ahead and clean you off, Mr. Blog, and see what I can do with you.

Who knows?  Maybe I'll actually have something interesting to say someday.

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