Sunday, November 28, 2010

Times, They Are a-Changin'!!

I imagine that there are few people who are as technology-rich, and yet media-poor as I am.  I have lots of fun, technologically amazing toys at my disposal here at home, and even at work...and yet, I remain in a media black hole.

I don't watch TV.
It's true.  I don't
Hey, don't laugh.
Or gasp in horror and disbelief.
Not everyone needs TV, you know.

And it's not like I don't watch anything at all.  About two or three times a month I get to watch a DVD or go out to a movie.  And it's not like I'm ANTI-TV and PRO-book...although I do spend a lot of time reading.  It's just that I'm too cheap to pay for cable, and for 6 years we had really crappy reception and didn't really get anything except public television, and even that was sporadic the last 3 years.  So, we just got used to no TV in our house.

Sometimes no TV is a really good thing.  I don't have to sit through commercials.  Or be inundated with visions of extra-large helpings of unhealthy foods.  But, I also don't get the news.  Or even more important, previews for rock-awesome movies that are coming out.  (Hee-hee, Green Lantern you so amuse me!)  I usually listen to news radio while in the car to get my news, but it's Christmastime, y'all, and I've had my dial permanently set on the local 24-hour-a-day Christmas marathon since Nov. 1st.  I know, it's a sickness.

And though I don't usually mind not knowing what's going on...(hey, keep that snarky comment to yourself!  I can hear you thinking!)...I just recently found out about something in the past few weeks that completely shocked me.

Uh oh, I've built it up now.
I've given it this big ol' build-up, and now I've got performance anxiety...(oooh, wait, does that refer to what I think it refers to?).
I'm afraid I've put this news on a pedestal and once you find out what it is, you're not really going to care.
It may be a great big deal to me, and not mean squat to you.
And if it does, well...
it's my blog, so deal with it.


So, here's the big news....

Weight Watchers has a new program!
Ta da!!!!

Are those crickets chirping?

Come on, people, this is big!!
Weight Watchers has being doing the same ol' Points for over a decade!
And yeah, it's worked, but now they're re-vamping it, and I've heard some rumors about some things that I'm really excited about.

If you are a fellow Weight Watcher-er, then you probably already heard that this change is coming along.  The big reveal starts tomorrow, and since I have access to the WW site as an online member, I should be able to find the skinny on what's going on tomorrow instead of waiting for my weekly meeting on Saturday.

I know some fellow Weight Watcher-ers are feeling a little bit of trepidation about the changes, but I say BRING IT ON!  A fresh start is just what I need to get my butt in gear.

So, I'm lurking, lurking, lurking, on the internet now, trying to find out clues to the new plan.  I was hoping that the WW website would be updated on New York time, so I could check it out before I went to bed, and last time I checked, the site was down and under construction.  Hopefully the changes will be posted quickly.

Oooh, I'm giddy.

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