Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Own Worst Enemy

Today's Weight Watcher topic was on how to deal with people, friends, family who are not supportive of those of us who are trying our darndest to lose weight.  The food pushers, the food police, the eating buddies....yeah, we have clever names for all of them.

Food pushers are not unlike drug dealers.
"Hey, man.  Come here...I got sumthin' for ya.  Oh yeah, it's gonna make you feel real good all up inside."

"What's that you got?"

"It's a Twinkie man, a Twinkie!  You gotta try one.  It's even fried, man.  You ain't never tasted nuthin' like it."

"No thanks, man.  I'm off that stuff now.  I dun quit that habit."

"Just a bite, man!  Just a bite!  I got it just for you.  Totally free.  Won't cost you nuthin'!"

"Well....I don't know.  I don't want to get addicted again.  I just got over shakes last week."

"These are clean, man.  They clean.  Just take a bite.  You won't regret it.  I promise."

"Alright....just a little bite.  And then I'm walking away, man!  I'm walking away!"

"Your call, dude.  Here's the stuff.  You gonna thank me later."

Yeah, that's a food pusher.

I haven't actually ever met a food pusher that talks like that.
But in my mind, they do.

I'm quite lucky though, because I don't really have any food pushers, food police, or even any eating buddies in my life.  My family and friends are all really supportive of me doing Weight Watchers.

I don't really have anyone making this process difficult for me.

Except me.

I am my own worst enemy.

Not unlike Anakin Skywalker.

Or Judy Garland.

Or cookie monster.

It's a toss-up.

I still have some mental hang-ups about food.
I am still making things harder than they need to be.

What is it about food, and eating, that has this hold on me?

I wish I could figure this out.

I think it's just going to take time and some new habit-making techniques though, to break through this.

If I keep doing the right thing: eating healthy food, healthy portions, and exercising regularly, maybe the bad habits will cease to exist.

I sure hope so.

In other news, I weighed in today, and after 3 weeks of pretty much non-existant exercise and several days of eating whatever I wanted, however much I wanted, I gained 4.8 pounds.  I'm up to 253.8, which is where I was in mid-February.

Which brings up another sad point.

I've been so off-track for so long that I've reverted back to my old habit of on-again, off-agin, which leads to very slow weight loss.  In March I felt my commitment level really slipping, and since then I haven't been nearly as dedicated as I need to be to really lose weight.

So, it's time to make some changes.
Time to re-commit to doing this right.
Doing it all the way.
And giving it my full attention.


Let's see...

By June 30th, I want to be down to at least 243lbs.  That's 10.8 pounds in 6 weeks.  Totally do-able.

So, here I go!

Let's do a last-minute diagnostic check...
Kitchen full of healthy food?  CHECK!
No more excuses to not to go to the gym?  CHECK!
Attitude and sassiness?  CHECK!

I think I'm ready to rock & roll!


Grace said...

If it makes you feel better, I weighed today after a 3 week eat whatever I want binge fest and I'm up 4. Boo hiss! But my motivation is back in full force now, so hopefully we'll both see the scale start moving in the right direction soon!

Erin Welch said...

You go, Dorian! Your description of food pushers Very true!