I'm starting to get them.
"Hey, you're looking good."
"Have you lost weight?"
"Damn! You're hot!!"
Okay, that last one is what I tell myself, but still, they're starting to come in.
It's nice to know that someone other than myself is noticing my slowly changing physique. I'll admit that I crave compliments. I don't usually go out of my way to get them, but they're nice when they come and I appreciate that someone noticed me for my hard work.
It's taken a long time for me to be able to accept a compliment gracefully.
I used to try to argue about a compliment.
"Wow, that's really great what you just did there, Dorian."
"Oh, no, really, that's nothing. So-and-so does such a better job."
Now I'm finally able just to say "Thank you," have a good feeling about what I did, and move on.
But I think that giving compliments is just as fun as giving them.
I know that I love to make someone's day a little bit brighter by just stating the obvious, "You look fabulous in the shirt!", "I love how you always find something positive to say about everyone!", "I want to be like you when I grow up." I can think of so many friends and family members that really deserve to be told this everyday. So, I'm going to challenge myself to remember to give away one compliment everyday, and on days when I receive a compliment, I want to try to double my compliment output.
It's better to give than to receive.
Hey, you look mahhhhhhhvelous, by the way.
Damn, you're hot! :)
Erin, you rock my world! :O)
I am slowly addicting myself to your blog Dorian. Its fun and honest and you inspire me. You should post some pics - then we all, on the other sides of the world can see the new you too!
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