Thursday, June 5, 2014

Random Thoughts for the Day!

Just some random thoughts this evening...

Why am I okay spending $10 on a meal, but when I go to the craft store (or pretty much any store, really), I hem and haw over anything costing that same amount? I'm such a tight wad with money, except when it comes to food. That's just weird. Or neurotic. Or both.

Swimming in the community at pool at night is fun. Until your imagination gets carried away. Floating on your back and looking at the stars is so peacful until your swim suit rubs against your leg, and you are now certain that there is a snake in the water with you. That was a short swim.

Even my late night quick dip gave me ability to swim more than an hour in the pool with the 7-year-old and 2-year-old. It shouldn't be called "swimming" so much as "holding-on-to-the-toddler-in-a-WWF-hold-so-she-can't-jump-out-of-my-arms-and-into-a-watery-grave-blast-o-rama!"

It's easy to get up before seven a.m. every morning. All you need are 2 kids jumping on your bed at the crack of dawn. Easy, yes! Fun, no.

No matter how early it is, and how tired I am, I will find the time to get my teeth de-fuzzified. Eww.

Don't they look like they're having fun? They're actually smiling!
I simply don't have the ability to smile at 6:30 in the morning,
while I'm doing something I hate. No way, no how.
After four days of waking up early and getting to my favorite park to walk in the quiet stillness of the morning, enjoying the peaceful solitude of my thoughts and getting my body invigorated for another day of summer fun...I still hate exercise. I hate it. I hate it. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate it. Every terrible, aching moment of it. I hate it.

Why is it that I love Indian food so much, but it fills me up so fast? Oh Indian buffet, you taunt me with your promises of seconds, but then you turn on me, and make me regret that second trip for more chicken tika masala. I shake my fist at you, Indian buffet! And yet, I love you so much.  (We have a complicated relationship.)

Thank you for visiting today's blog of randomness. You may now continue on your way.

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